Sunday, March 30, 2008

Your Life. Re-imagined

Where's the line between imagination and reality? Heh! Wherever I wanna put it.

If it's true that anything we do or have, we imagined first, then imagination is Act I of reality's show.

So then. You find yourself in the middle of Act II, and you think you see where the story is going. You know the good guy, the bad guy, and the girl. And you realize, the good guy is boring, and you're rooting for the bad guy. Even worse, the girl's best friend, the one that's just there to help the girl get the guy is way more fun than anyone. Follow me so far?

Now what?

Halfway through the Italian Job, Wahlberg & Co. had all their carefully laid plans yanked sideways faster than a Mini changes lanes. What saved them? Imagination. They took what they had, where they were, and re-imagined it. The result was pure genius.

And what sunk the bad guy? Yeah, no imagination. Oh he tried. But he couldn't think beyond what had already been done. He couldn't even come up with a way to spend the money. Just stole others' ideas.

So back to our story. We have a bad guy we like. And a funky, fun chick. Let's write our own story. Act II ends with a whiplash twist. Act III has you on the edge of your seat.

The ending? One thing at a time, bucky. We don't even know what happens in Act IV.

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