Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday Sun Day

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." Pablo Picasso

Sunday was one of those rare March days on the North Coast, where it stopped rainsnowsleetslushing long enough for Luvly to declare that she will certainly be depressed if it snows again this spring. Yeah, sometimes the winter grime gets in your soul, too.

Sixty, I tell you, sixty degrees was topped on the little dial outside my window that oddly enough seems to tell me how happy to be with the weather. And...And! The sun showed its face like an embarassed truant, sneaking in and out, hoping to seem like it had been there all along.

So with the sun clearing the cobwebs out of my brain, I did what any spring-loopy guy would do on a Sunday afternoon. No, not golf. I washed my truck.

Bucket, hose, sponge, chamois, paper towels, one neighbor waving jealously(?) pityingly(?) and the truck looked much better. Nothing like a hand wash to get rid of the grime.

A few hours later as I'm writing, in the background I hear Jim Cullum's Jazz Band, heavy on the clarinet and sax tonight. The music filters through my brain and my soul, taking along the tension, the edginess, the unrest, and leaving me at ease with the world. At least for tonight.

Yeah, the grime does get in your soul, but oh my, how music can wash it away.



Farm-to-Table Feasts said...

And especially some good jazz. MMMM, MMMMM. (Needs to be said as Professor Hap says it, which can't be imitated with letters of the alphabet.)

Julie said...

SO how did luvly feel this week?

**sigh** Will it ever end?