Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Failed at Mediocre

The assigned title was "Mediocrity and How I Achieved It." I failed at mediocre. I did terrible really badly.

Medocirity and how me acheives it.

My Daddy was all the time tells me like this, "Son, if a somethings what your gonna to do, if’n its not worth doing at all, then I’m for certin it ain’t worth doing right in the first place." Always he wood tells me stuff like that. Sooner than youda thunk, just it soaked in, and I beleeved it to.

So me, I sets about to make a reel something of me, cuz I thinking he prolly is right. I done did my darnedest to not ever to do nothing what might not be worth not doing at all, at least not right. So you no, I got just purty good at it, this not doing nothing ain’t worth not doing right.

All of it, it worked out awright, pretty much so, till I goes and got a job from this guy. He was be a farmer who owns a farm and always he goes and tell me to do stuff. So but when I looked at things, you know, what he want me doing. I thinks always of that my daddy sed to me. I think then, this is not worht not doin rite, so’s Im thinkin not to do it in the start.

But this guy, this farmer who owned a farm, hes not like my dady when it’s come to thinking about how to do and not to do work what it mite not just be worth not doing.

He says I’m the most medeocirest person he nose. So he fired me.

I thinks Dady wuld be prowd.


Becky said...

Very interesting. I like how you pulled it together. I'll give you some more feedback on Tuesday. Overall, I liked it. Mark, you are a brilliant writer.

Mikki Black said...

Sooooo. I just used "amn't" in a conversations. As in...

He: You are!
Me: I amn't!

Yup. Does that qualify as failing at mediocre?