Saturday, January 17, 2009

Camera Therapy

What the eye saw:

That's really all I was taking a picture of.
The fork of a tree piled with snow.
It was cool.

It's like some scenes in my life.
Where I focus on the details.
Thinking it's the core of the matter.

So imagine my surprise
when I looked at the screen
and saw this scene.

What the camera saw:

This is not what I saw out the window of my truck
as I was going out my drive on Friday morning.
This is what my camera saw. Why?

Sometimes all you need is another set of eyes
to look at the scene right in front of you,
and it takes on a whole new meaning.

Take a scene in your life
That seems limiting or difficult
Show it to a friend
Then look at it through their eyes
I'll bet it looks different.

1 comment:

Mikki Black said...

Woah. This is what we talked about in church and kids church both today.

Creepy, but cool.