Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blatant Flag Waving

Yeah, I'm proud of my country. What an amazing sight, the peaceful, orderly, respectful transfer of power from one party to the other. Two factions with distinctly different agendas, and one steps aside as the other steps in. Why? The common good.

In some countries, this would involve violence and bloodshed, rioting in the streets. You don't yield to your political opponent peacefully. Yet here we do.

It warms my heart to see people put aside differences to work together for a common goal. Politicians and parties will disagree about the means, but the goal for most of us is the same - a safe and prosperous nation in which to raise our families and conduct our lives.

So here’s what I hope will change. I hope President Obama can hold to his belief that we are a United States of America. I hope he can foster an atmosphere of co-operation in Washington. I hope he can inspire people to look at what they agree on, not just what they disagree about. That would be a welcome change.

Hmm…what if Christ-followers were inspired to work together toward our common goal? Now that would be real change.


Scout said...

Hmmm...and what if Christ-followers would accept President Obama with open arms instead of scolding him because of their single-issue stick up the butt.

Sorry, the peaceful passage of power is an amazing thing.

Julie said...

I never really looked at it this way. Very interesting.