Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Christmas Tale in Four Acts

A fictional conversation with John Bunn, based on his recent postulation that not just the Christmas story, but the story arc of Scripture, can be captured in four words.

sez Mark: So John, what’s Act I of your play?

John Bunn: OF.

sM: Of what?

JB: OF. Adam and Eve were created in the image OF God.

sM: Beats the proverbial silver spoon, doesn’t it? And what is Act II?

JB: That’s right, how did you guess?

SM: Huh?

JB: Act II is AND. Adam and Eve went down their own path. So now there’s separation, Man AND God.

sM: So what do you start Act III with?


sM: Yes, with?

JB: Yes, WITH. Act III is WITH. That’s the Christmas part. His name is Emmanuel, God WITH us.

sM: Then it ends in Act IV?

JB: You’re right, IN.

sM: I am?

JB: Act IV is IN. If you ask, the Spirit will live IN you.

sM: Is that like the ghost of Christmas past? Or like the Force?

JB: Were you listening on Sunday?

sM: It was early service, give me a break.

Of, and, with, in. I love a short story. Especially with a good ending.

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