Saturday, April 11, 2009

Men Don't Ask

True story, unedited:

6:12, last Friday night. My phone rings as I'm getting my supper at the coffee shop. It's my brother. What could he possibly want? Concerns about Mom? Questions about my sister's upcoming reception?

No. Not quite.

"Hey Mark, I have an unusual request for you."

"Sure, go ahead." This could be interesting.

"Well JT (his wife) and her friends are in Next City Over and they can't find WalMart."

I'm thinking, I can look up the address, or the phone number, or I can tell him where it's at.

No. Not quite.

"So I was wondering if you could call her and explain to her how to get there."


He continued. "She tried to explain to me where they are, but it's been awhile since I've been there. She thought if you would just call her..."

I chuckled. Gleefully, I'm afraid. Men don't stop and ask for directions?

What to do, what to do? Oh I know, of course I called her.

She explained which street they were cruising up and down. I told her which street to look for, which way to turn, how far to go past the McDonalds before turning onto WalMart's street.

They found it. She called me later to thank me, and do the sister-in-law chat.

No, the man doesn't stop and ask for directions. But apparently neither does the woman. She just calls her husband to have him ask his brother to call her, take her hand and lead her to her destination.

Way better.

JT, I love you. Thanks for letting me help.


1 comment:

Scout said...

This is why I have a car with a built-in navigational system–saves me from having to ask for help.