Who voted for Obama in Pennsylvania? Well not enough of the everybodys, but a lot of somebodys.
The analysis is always a hoot. Hillary gets the white women, the working class, the less educated, the poor. Obama gets the black vote, the educated, the urban voter.
And yet...
Some of us somebodys just don't fit the profile. Nobody told us we weren't welcome there, so we joined the party anyhow.
Like me. White. Working class? Eight years formal schooling. Guy. Obamaniac. Well not quite, but in the camp.
There's only so much you can do with statistics. Only so many useful ways you can group groups of people. And then you realize, each one is still one. In a category of one. And each one can vote. In the ballot box, with their dollars, with their time.
We are a nation of statistical anomalies.
New Release Spotlight: Kathy Escobar
2 weeks ago