Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Statistical Anomaly

Who voted for Obama in Pennsylvania? Well not enough of the everybodys, but a lot of somebodys.

The analysis is always a hoot. Hillary gets the white women, the working class, the less educated, the poor. Obama gets the black vote, the educated, the urban voter.

And yet...

Some of us somebodys just don't fit the profile. Nobody told us we weren't welcome there, so we joined the party anyhow.

Like me. White. Working class? Eight years formal schooling. Guy. Obamaniac. Well not quite, but in the camp.

There's only so much you can do with statistics. Only so many useful ways you can group groups of people. And then you realize, each one is still one. In a category of one. And each one can vote. In the ballot box, with their dollars, with their time.

We are a nation of statistical anomalies.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

2nd Grade Crush

"You'll be 50 this year, won't you?"

Smiling eyes from a pretty face danced in amusement at my surprise. She was off by a year (49), and I'm usually guessed low 40s.

"We were in the same class at Park Elementary." My jaw must have dropped. She's talking grade school, and tonight we're parents transforming the high school for our kids' prom.

I chuckled. "Yeah, I was there for (I counted on my fingers) four months." Maybe she thought I was someone else.

She laughed. "Yeah I remember you. You lived out by Northport." I knew her face from around town, I just had no idea of her name. "I'm Debbie Allison*. Well, used to be Milton.

Dang. Cute as she was, I could make no mental connection. And she was enjoying it. Knowing me, while I didn't know her.

Being remembered rocks. Maybe I should look up Ginger. Make her smile.

*Names may or may not have been changed to confuse the inquisitive.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Butterfly's Gift

From the poet's dusty shelf...


I had a little butterfly I did
It flittered and it fluttered
In, around, about my head
Never rested never stopped
At my fingertips it danced
...Behind my eyes
...Inside my soul

Thought I caught it one fine day
Wrapped it up inside a box
Shiny paper, shiny ribbon
Gave it to my bestest friend
She unwrapped it, opened up
...It was plastic
...It was dead

Saw the butterfly the next day
Floating like the rainbow sun
Held my hand out let it flutter
Over under and around
Never grasping merely waiting
...Flash of color
...Blink-it’s gone

Now this butterfly it has me
Or I have it-either way
Though I see it no one else does
Only to my eyes it shows
All its colors, all my colors
...In my eyes
...Through my soul

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jueves de Gracias

Things that make my life better:

* Skinny black arms that retrieve keys from impossible places. And the gentle souls to which they're attached.

* Smiling cousins who sit with you for refuge. And warm their cold hands on your neck.

* Magnums of wine.

* El Sol. Sun. Sunlight. Sunshine. Sunbeam.

* People who buy houses. And the banks who help them.

* J/O, who refuses to let you settle.

* My truck. It works, it plays. Smile.

* Red. The color. It warms my heart.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Dream a Little Dream

What makes you think you can change the direction of your life? Who do you think you are anyway?

Well, J/O is at it again. There's a theme, of course.

Ask for something impossible.

Have an overflow mentality.

Unlock the gift within.

The underlying theme is an unshakeable conviction is the untapped, immeasurable potential for greatness in every person. There is an inherent, unique potential for being amazing, for doing the impossible. Dignus Res, was the old scholar's joke. The fire within.

And then, the faith of God. Not in. Of. It's like He has faith for me.

So if He put a dream in me, He still has faith that I can make the dream happen.

How do I know when that's happening? When I have a faith, but I don't know where it came from. When something in me tells me I can do something, even though my brain knows better.