Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jueves de Gracias

Grateful I am. For?

* A skinny white preacher man who cares so deeply about having you unwrap your gift that he's moved to tears. J/O, you rock.

* Dana. She knows what I drink. She dances while she works. She smiles, and shares her popcorn.

* 4WD. Click. Go.

* Luvly. She's got a luvly, um, back there.

* Him. I give Him his money back. He helps me with the rest.

* Laughing ladies. Giggling girls. And how they brighten my Caffienation Station.

* Cinema therapy. Factotum, while not showing me how I want to live my life, helped me see why I want to live my life.

* Bloggers. You inspire me.

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