76 years ago today, on November 17, 1932, Elizabeth was born to Emmanuel and Mary Wengerd, the fourth (I think) of eight children in this Amish family. I wonder what her first few birthday parties were like?
I don't know if it's side effects of her stroke, or just more time to think and to talk, but I'm hearing stories of her girlhood like never before.
Two of her siblings, Uncle Mel and Aunt Edna used to play in a band. A band! Amish teenagers in the early 1940's, playing guitar and ukelele (we think) in what I'm guessing was a folk/bluegrass band. This would be the aunt that I have known only as a roly-poly Amish lady with too many kids for me to remember all their names.
Her brother once took my Mom and her sister to Nashville to see the Grand Ol' Opry. She thinks Minnie Pearl sang. And I thought Mom never got off the farm.
Mom and her friends used to meet for a much frowned upon Bible study. The Amish church did not approve of such activities, but Dawdy turned a blind eye. Mom the rebel. As Dad would have said, "Whodathunkit?"
Happy Birthday, Mom, and lots of love.
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