Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Call Me Cap'n Hook

One 20' board is what I did for church on Sunday.

Sunday was Community Service day at New Pointe Community Church. It was a day for us not to go to church, but to be the church. Instead of buzzing around the hive making honey, we swarmed the countryside spreading love.

We delivered more than 1500 boxes of food to local pantries. At the church we offered a health fair, free hair care, car servicing. In surrounding towns we cleaned up roadsides, painted buildings inside and out, did home repairs. Early reports had over 1000 people involved.

My contribution? One 20' board, carefully placed, securely screwed fast, neatly painted, ready for hooks to hold clothes and towels outside a row of showers at Sky View Ranch.

Now that does not include the hour I spent attempting to fasten vinyl cove base to glass board with glue that stuck like oil to water. And the time I spent as a helping hand to the most skilled and efficient contractor/carpenter I have ever seen, my friend Paul Marner. I even got some dirt in my nails cleaning up landscaping trash.

But in the end, I looked at a 20' board as my accomplishment. It's not much, until you realize there were 1000+ people just like me, doing their own version of a 20' board.

Which means in one Sunday morning the NPCC volunteers could put up a 4 mile long coat hook board. Pretty cool if you need room for 20,000 coats. Next Christmas 3000 of us could bring our six closest friends to church and have room for all our Harley Davidson leather, Lands End, LLBean, or thrift store rescues.

What's better is when you have a church that cares enough about the people around them to find out what they really need, and finding a way to fill the need.

That's the church being the church. One coat hook at a time.


. said...


What a post. Boy did you summarize the goal of Sunday morning! You are great with your words and I loved reading that post. Thanks for making a difference at Skyview and in our world!

Farm-to-Table Feasts said...

Always DID like Capn' Hook. AND his writing.

RoverHaus said...

I LOVE the idea of being the church instead of just going to church.

Very, very cool!

And you got to hang out with Paul Marner. He's famous in Mexico, you know!