Thursday, January 17, 2008

Am I Blue?

Depression can be cured by lifestyle change? Wow, who knew? Well, me and probably half the people with "depression."

Seems 'they' have discovered that maybe 35% of sufferers are cured by medication. Not cured actually, but short-term relieved. Maybe 25% are equally well treated by placebos. Hmm.

Maybe being doggedly unhappy about your life situation, the refusal to pretend it's okay, and an unwillingness to settle isn't depression. Maybe it's optimism. Conviction that this is not as good as it gets. Faith that I will acheive some measure of happiness as I find the right place in my life.

Being sad is not depression. Being sad may just be a prelude to happiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, one can only hope.